Migrating over to Hass.io from RPI

Hey all,

Looking to do a clean up and with the upcoming change to Python 3.5 not being supported figured I’d move across to Hass.io after about 2 years running on my Pi3. It’s been pretty solid, but starting to get a bit slow here and there, plus I want to start using some of the addons.

So far I have Hass.io installed and running in Docker on my microserver running Debian. That’s all working well. I want to bring across some package files that have sensors, switches and automations etc in them, but doing so the automations seems to be causing issues. Basically, any file with an automation in it causes errors.

Also, what is the best way to run all my scripts? They are mostly .sh files and I’d use a command line switch to make them work.

I moved from a straight docker install to Hassio on Ubuntu. Here’s what I did:

  1. Stop your existing homeassistant docker container and remove it and its image (docker stop homeassistant and then docker rm homeassistant and docker rmi homeassistant/home-assistant
  2. Install Hassio using the instruction to install on a “generic linux system” (I assume you already did this)
  3. stop the home assistant instance that Hassio just started docker stop homeassistant
  4. copy the contents of my old /config directory over to the hassio location /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/
  5. restart the homeassistant docker containter (docker start homeassistant)

You should be all set now under hassio.

I never saw any issues with packages or automations when I went over to hass.io on debian/generic Linux install. I assume you created a packages folder and added an include for the packages directory in configuration.yaml? Maybe also check you’re including automations.yaml.

If you did a fresh install I think there’s some changes in the basic configuration.yaml that gets installed - but if you copied over your old configuration that should not be an issue anyway.

@ha_steve I did try that and it didn’t go so well. Something in my existing setup didn’t work so well and prevented hass.io from starting and it would just hang.

@DavidFW1960 yes, I did add the packages folder and add the include.

In the end, I’ve decided to just start from scratch. I’ll just import over what I want once package file at a time and work on making sure it works properly before moving on. Might be a slow process, but gives me a chance to tidy up and reorganize things which I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.

Oh, I worked out the automations issue I was having. Cause my automations are part of the package file, having a blank automations.yaml file was causing the issue. There needs to be an automation in there. I have a dummy one in there for now.

Only if you include it I guess… was it blank or just missing? I only had a blank script file till recently and that didn’t cause any issues.

It was blank cause it’s a new install. It seems to be a know bug/feature (not sure which way) and the only work around is to have a least one automation in the automations.yaml file.

Kind of dumb if you ask me as it was saying my automations had issues, but they all work fine. Needs to be more clarification with that particular scenario.

That’s odd… if you had replaced the config directory completely with the old one, this shouldn’t have happened. Did you not replace the ENTIRE directory?

I did, and things didn’t work. Doesn’t matter anyway as I’m starting my setup from scratch. Once I’m happy with it, I’ll retire my pi3.