For the past few years I’ve been running my smart home using OpenHAB installed on Unraid as a docker container.
Everything is working ok with my current system, but I’m thinking of switching to HA.
Can anyone please share what I should take into consideration for the migration process?
My smart home has Zwave, Zigbee, SmartThings Wifi devices, and RF devices, which I control using: Zwave usb controller, Zigbee usb controller, and a Broadlink RM4 Pro for controlling RF devices.
If I switch to HA and connect my current Zwave and Zigbee usb controllers, will HA be able to automatically find and add all the Zwave and Zigbee nodes I included and configured in OpenHAB, or will I first need to exclude these devices from OpenHAB and then include them on HA?
Is there an easy migration assistant I can use that connects HA to OpenHAB for an automatic import of my OpenHAB configurations?
Can you please explain why it would be better to run HA in docker in my scenario?
If I understood the HA documentation correctly, in HAOS all the addons are installed, configured and updated from within HAOS, whereas, in docker I will need to manually install, configure and update each addon separately, and only later connect the addons to HA.
There’s no specific openHAB tool, but the individual protocols do include migration.
Migrating 40x Z-Wave devices to HA was a case of importing the S0 key, and moving the coordinator across. Most devices “just worked” but a few Fibaro FGD-212 refused so needed a manual reset and add.
Zigbee came later for me, so I’ve not tried a migration - guess at a similar process.
SmartThings WLAN (i.e. not Zigbee) has an issue at the moment caused by Samsung being rather horrid to their users. For now, my own kit works fine as I have an existing access token.
I’ve seen Broadlink devices mentioned, but I made my own using ESPhome ()HA specific Arduino / Tasmota like firmware) and ESP8266.
Starting out, I’d use HAOS - this is an appliance locked-down OS like openHABian but with auto-managed containers for HA and Add-Ons (integrations are part of HA), with a Supervisor doing the management. Docker does give more flexibility, but has less features and YOU have to do the work to manage updates.Your cost / benefit may vary.
I just got a RPi4 and parallel ran HAOS with another RPI4 with openHABian.
Architecture sketch (more detailed than the docs):
As to the HA Container (HA running in docker solely managed by the user) or HAOS (HA running in docker but solely managed by the supervisor along with all add-ons) question…
do you have any docker containers that aren’t home automation related? not all docker containers have equivalent add-ons. If you are running any of those then if you run HA OS you won’t be able to use those on the same machine (easily…). Otherwise you should probably use HA OS.