Migrating to new installation - Where is everything?

I’ve been running HA in Docker on a Qnap NAS for years with Mosquitto in a parallel Docker.
Most recent upgrade was to 0.100.2. I know, that’s quite old.
Always smooth running except for the logbook, restarts and some other things, as the NAS only has a two core celeron or something similar.

Now I’ve set up an 8th gen i5 NUC with Proxmox and installed HA through this very simple method: https://github.com/whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install, and everything is lightning fast.
Adding the Mosquitto plugin took a few seconds.

So far so good, but I don’t see new devices being detected.
In my old installation (which is still running alongside) any new devices popped up in the known_devices.yaml and on the default view, but not so on the new instance.
Can I trigger a device detection? Should I?

I also defined a few zones through the UI but I see no trace of them in the .yaml files.
Where does that information go?

I’ve changed the MQTT info on a few devices to point to the new broker but they won’t show up in the new HA.

Please help, I’m feeling locked out from my own HA.

known_devices.yaml is not used anymore, only a few integrations still use it.

Stuff configured in the UI is now mostly stored in the hidden .storage folder in JSON format.

Did you setup the MQTT integration (not broker) on the new machine?

Before you upgrade you should read the release notes and the breaking changes in there and adjust your system accordingly. And don’t wait so long with updating, HA evolves so fast, 0.100 is more than a year old,which is like a century in the IoT world.

Thanks for taking the time to answer this.

I’ve set up Mosquitto per the instructions, and some devices show up, just not all.

My new installation isn’t an upgrade, it’s a new installation on separate hardware. I kept the old HA alongside thinking I’ll move over devices and automations step by step with minimal disruption of services from my family’s point of view.

I get confused over how things work different in the supervised version compared to the older, more self contained version. That’s the reason for me posting this question.