Migration from Docker-HA to HomeAssistantOS

Hey guys,

I searched this forum and couldn’t find an appropriate answer, so here I go:

Right now, I have HA installed in Docker and I want to move this installation to a system with HomeAssistantOS. Is there any “nice” way to achieve this without reconfiguring and installing everything again?

Thanks in advance

I am about to make the same move and have not been able to find much information on the topic in this forum. How did it go for you? Do you have any advice for someone about to do the same thing?

Start from scratch with a new installation, then install addons, configure them and copy your yaml etc… to the new server?

I have to do something similar and not sure whats the best option.

Basically 2 options:

  • copy your data directory over (where configuration.yaml is), including all hidden files and directories.
  • take a backup in HA and restore in HA OS