Migration from Domoticz

Good day,

I currently have a domoticz system running with different types of devices and protocols.
I’m thinking about migrating this to home assistant.
I just have two questions.

  1. In my current system, each lamp has a delay time. If the clock trigger turns off the lights, the lights will only turn off after this time. In other words. the first lamp goes out immediately, the last only after 10 minutes. I did this so as not to be stuck in the dark.
  2. My second issue is that I have defined a few scenarios. For example standard, visit and holiday. When I select a scenario, the lights respond as they should. For example, in the standard scenario a certain lamp switches on and off automatically, but in the visit scenario it only switches on. Another lamp does not turn on by default, but during the holiday season it does turn on and off automatically.

My question is, can both things also be built in Home Assistant?

Yes, both is possible.

I moved from Domoticz 3 years ago. When you understand how HA is working youre ideas will be endless!!!

HA is by far more advanced and better then Domoticz. Everything… WebUI, coding for automations, support of devices, integrations, custom Addons…

You will love HA but give it some time!