Migration from OpenHAB or Home Assistant Evaluation - will it work this way?

Hi there.
I‘m new to Homeassistant, but not new for Home Automation and just need advice before I start digging into HASS.
Short about my installation: Since 2016 Happy user of Openhab on RPi. Devices (32 Nodes) connected using Aeon USB Z-wave Gen5 stick, Openhab provides Z-Wave to MQTT bridge functionality and also Web interface(simple sitemap with few rooms, switches and temperatures). MQTT broker is Mosquitto on same RPI. Rules/scenarios are executed using NodeRed, connected via MQTT topics. I also have Google Calendar and some Weather integration. Wall Touch Panels are also connected via MQTT.
This setup works reliably since few years(backups are present off course), but my Z-wave binding is quite outdated, so new devices are not recognized correctly and in order to update it, I have to update whole Openhab installation and basically start from scratch. And the problem is that OpenHab development went in not that direction which I was expecting so I‘m looking for alternatives now. I basically need a bridge between various interfaces and protocols and not so much anything else.
I knew, that Home assistant grew a lot since I selected OpenHaB, so would like to give it a chance. Therefore I would like to ask you for a simple advice:
My plan is to setup Homeassistant on RPI 3 with Z-wave USB stick. I need Mosquitto broker there as well. Home Assistant should allow bridging between Z-wave and MQTT - e.g. publishing all values from z-wave devices and accepting MQTT and sending it to Z-wave. With this I will be able to integrate my NodeRed riles and touch panels. It should also provide App or Web Interface to it (simple room-based control) with automatic updates of MQTT/z-wave. I need Google calendar integration( ability to send commands by schedule from internet calender) and some Weather. Google Home support and Samsung smartthings integration would be nice to have. All should be easily installable and configurable, better without huge Linux knowledge (I know only nano, sudo, tail -f and reboot:-)). That‘s pretty all for a moment.
So how do you think can Homeassistant handle my plan without big configuration headache and long learning curve? Will it be stable? Any thoughts, why it can fail?
I have a separate piece of HW - Rpi with Z-wave stick, so plan to play a little bit, before I decide to move or not. I can post my evaluation progress here.
Thanks for feedback.
Ps sorry if it‘s wrong category. Wasn‘t sure which would be better one.