Hi there!
I run a MAX6675 on an ESP32 with Tasmota to get the temperature next to the oven pipe from my oven in the living room (firewd with wood).
As I also run an ESP32 as a BTProxe next to it I wanted to get rid of Tasmota and switch to ESPHome.
So from the hardwareside I will be fine, question that remains is:
What do I have to consider migrating the sensor in a way, that the value the ESPHome sends to Home Assistant won’t show up as another sensor but history (Especially within InfluxDB) is carried on.
Is it enough to give it the same ID as the sensor in the tasmota configuration (At the moment its name is ‘sensor.ofen_max6675_temperature_2’ allthough in Grafana the name is w/o ‘_2’)?
Looks like something is wrong here already as the “_2” was probably attached by HA itself the moment you add a second sensor with the same name.
One way you can go is to use esphome with mqtt and publish the same topics as now - you will loose some esphome api “magic” that way but you probably used to fiddle with mqtt anyway.
Another way to have it with the native api is to choose the exact name for the sensor and delete your old tasmota/mqtt integration before. Also you need to make sure to don’t have any retained messages in your broker and that HA doesn’t have your entity listed anymore (maybe you need a restart).