Migration from Zwave2mqtt to Z-wave JS

I’m on a quest to decrease the number of points of failure in my home automation setup. Moving everything as close to Home Assistant core functionality. Recently I moved to ZHA for Zigbee support and removed external bridges like Xiaomi Gateway and Philips Hue.

Now it’s time to remove a Raspberry Pi that’s running Zwave2MQTT. I want to start by saying that Zwave2MQTT has always worked very well for me, it never let me down. Now it’s time to move to Zwave-JS released with Home Assistant 2021.2.

I’ve shared my process and steps in details on my blog in the article Migrating from Zwave2MQTT to Z-Wave JS for Home Assistant.


  • The migration was real easy, it took me about two hours to migrate end-to-end
  • the documentation is really good. I would prefer to start from Supervisor and then install the integration (read the article for more information.
  • Zwave JS is much faster. E.g. motion-triggered lights are reacting much faster.
  • Zwave JS has better support for devices. E.g.my Fakro windows is now seen as a cover and works seamless
  • Zwave JS provides better Zwave network reach. I can now control my windows on the attic without delay.
  • Zwave JS provides less details and options to control the network. Zwave2Mqtt provides more, but this is expected and also referred to in the documentation.

My compliments for the Home Assistand and Zwave JS team, this is a great addition!

I wanted to share my experience and first findings, hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions.