Mijia temperature and humidity sensor only sends one update then never updates again

I don’t know when this started, but my two WSDCGQ01LM devices send ONE update to HA (when HA restarts/starts) and then never report the temperature or humidity again.

Any idea why this might be?!

There’s a bug in ESPHome where if you have a BLE device configured and proxies configured, only proxies will work. Remove the BT proxy from your configuration and your devices will work again. There’s a fix coming in a later release, no ETA yet but I expect it to be soon.

potential fix

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Hmmm - not sure this is a Esphome issue? I have esphome devices but they’re WiFi devices not BLE devices? Also I’m using the Pi Bluetooth adapter but only for iPhone detection, nothing else….

Also all of my other zigbee devices work fine?

Well, I’m not sure I believe you. The model number you listed is either BLE or Zigbee. Not wifi. So… I guess you need to tell us what integration you’re using. Because right now, this sounds exactly like the ESPHome issue that was introduced in the last ESPHome build.

Nope. They’re zigbee sensors. zigbee and WiFi share the same spectrum but they’re not the same protocol.
To interact with them I’m using zigbee2mqtt

Right, so your devices are zigbee, not wifi :wink: I’ll move this to that category then not configuration or esphome.

Thanks. Did you move it to esphome? I don’t think I did that.

I did because it sounded like the ESPHome issue and you didn’t give it a category tag

Seems this is a known limitation with these sensors. Xiaomi WSDCGQ01LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Ohhhhh, that they’re connected to a coordinator which can’t cope with them? Yeah that could fit with the timeline of when they stopped updating properly….thanks

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Router, not coordinator (coordinator is your usb-stick). Router is for example a smart bulb. You can see what router they are connected to in the map in the Z2M GUI.

Ah yeah I always get those two confused and even made a special effort to get it right, and failed :joy:

I think haven’t they even moved away from these terms as they’re too confusing as different from other networking devices/protocols?