[Device Tracker] IP address of tracked devices as an attribute

Component: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.mikrotik/
Component: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker/

Is it possible to add, among the attributes, the IP address of the tracked device and the hostname of the routerboard on which the devices are detected?
This would help solve some problems, for example:

Thank you

I agree regarding the IP address. This should be changed for the entire device_tracker platform in my opinion.
Nmap and other trackers can use this as well then. Currently adding extra keys to known_devices.yaml (like I tried with ip: 192.168.1.x) just makes that entry invalid.

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Having similar problem. Two locations with respective zones and running VPN between (funny fact mikrtoik too). But unfortunately I can’t use device tracker on secondary location since it will automaticall mark discovered device as “home”. In my mind the problem should be solved on device_tracker side. Basically adding attribute “zone” for each entry in device tracking which should be optional and default to “home”

  - platform: platform_name1
    host: !secret mikrotik1_ipaddress
    username: !secret mikrotik1_username
    password: !secret mikrotik1_password
    zone: Home
  - platform: platform_name2
    host: !secret mikrotik2_ipaddress
    username: !secret mikrotik2_username
    password: !secret mikrotik2_password
    zone: Work