Milight wifi hub not reachable with Android app?

i’m following all tutorials I find here. what i’ve got working for me now is connecting to my
(emulated) milight hub via ip address and controlling my ledstrip.

what my main issue is: In every tutorial for mqqt or limitlessLed, i read “make sure you can connect to the hub via android app” but this part is impossible. I’ve created the hub myself following this tutorial:

but I can’t access the hub via the official milight android app, because I can’t put the hub in “LINK” mode (as it’s my NODEMCU and NRF24L01+ and not an official hub)

it seems as long as I can’t connect with the Android app, all the rest isn’t working either.

I don’t see any mention of the android app in that blog post. Just use the web UI for it to set things up.