New here. I’m in the process of moving to HA from OpenHAB but I’m struggling getting my MiLights & ESP Hub working.
The hub is set up and I can control my lights with the Hub interface. I’ve install the MQTT integration and have tried following Chis’s HA instructions but I’,m getting nowhere.
Netsat shows the hub is connecting to port 1883 and localhost is also connecting to 1883 so it looks like both the hub and the HA MQTT integration are hitting the MQTT server but that’s are far as I’m getting - no devices are showing up.
Can someone point me to a walkthrough. I’m using HA in a docker container hosted on Ubuntu.
Thanks in advance.
August 16, 2021, 12:40pm
Here my settings in my hub:
When you install a MQTT viewer/explorer too to see all your MQTT topics, do you see your might lights also?
Here is my yams to add all lights as MQTT lights into HA:
# https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.mqtt/
- name: "Balcony All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA4/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA4/rgb_cct/1"
platform: mqtt
schema: json
color_temp: true
rgb: true
brightness: true
effect: true
qos: 1
optimistic: true
retain: false
availability_topic: "Milight_Hub/client_status"
payload_available: "connected"
payload_not_available: "disconnected"
- "night_mode"
- "white_mode"
- "0"
- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
- "4"
- "5"
- "6"
- "7"
- "8"
- name: "Hallway All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA3/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA3/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bathroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bathroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bathroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Bathroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Bathroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Bedroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bedroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bedroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Bedroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Bedroom 5"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bedroom 6"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bedroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABA/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABA/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Dressoir 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Dressoir 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Dressoir 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Dressoir All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Kitchen Sink"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABC/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABC/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Kitchen 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Kitchen 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Kitchen 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Kitchen All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Sink 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Sink 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Sink 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Sink All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Livingroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Livingroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Livingroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Livingroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Livingroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Wall All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABB/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABB/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Window All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABB/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABB/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Toilet 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Toilet 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Toilet 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Toilet All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/0"
Thanks very much for taking the time to help.
I’ve got them working. I didn’t have the supervisor menu item and so couldn’t add the mqtt-broker. instead I was trying to use the ubuntu mqtt server.
I got rid of the docker install and used the curl installer method to install HA
Do know that you’re now (most likely) run a unsupported install. Aka, it may work now but future updates might break it without official support. You are now the official support for it. If you’re fine with that then there is nothing to worry.
I’m comfortable with Linux.
Is there any other way of getting the Supervisor menu on ubuntu that is supported?
Two ways:
Install it according to the guidelines (aka, don’t install anything other then HA on it)
Run HA OS in a VM on Ubuntu
Out of the box option: run both Unbuntu and HA OS on a bare metal VM like Proxmox.