Mill Gen3 Wifi3 radiator integration

Mill have just launched their new generation of panel heaters, nothing special hardware wise but nice heaters. -

Of note for HA though is they now provide a full local rest API. No cloud requirement, in fact all options are on the table; cloud only, cloud and local, local only, no WiFi at all. Nice to see a company giving the customer a choice for once.

Anyone else with this radiator and looking to integrate it?

Mill have handily documented the API.

I have no experience in creating an integration, though might look to learn. A simple temp control initially but hopefully more features going forward.

For interest, based on the mac address its is using an esp chip for WiFi connection. Starting this thread to collate all those interested.



I just bought one of these panel heaters. I believe the current integration doesn’t work with these models. When I add it to home assistant I can only see its power usage and can’t control it. I would love local control but alas… I can’t code. But keeping an eye out for an update.

Just seen this has been added in the latest update.

Many thanks.

Hopefully the full range of data will be available soon, though with power data exposed can now track it in energy monitor so probably all I need.


This looks awesome!