Mimolite and magnetic switch

So I have been searching the forums and have asked for help in the glitter chat with out any luck.
I have a mimolite setup to activate my garage door. This part functions as it should. I removed the jumper to make it a momentary switch. I can not figure out how to make the sensor to allow the front end no the state change when the door is either opened or closed. I tried following the template sensors with out any luck I have even tried the sensor that takes it from binary sensor to regular sensor with open close state changes. I have even removed it and added it to the network multiple times with out any luck. I even went into openzwave and made sure the sensor was turned on. FortrezZ Unknown: type=0453, id=0111 Sensor is what I believe is the sensor name. Is there something I am missing to locate the sensor template I need to make this work properly?

Some devices have multiple entity ID - one for each function. If you go through and look st the STATES tab (under developer tools, click on < > ), you will see each device, group, automation, etc listed.

For example, I have some motion sensors, each one shows up as four devices.

sensor.stairwell_motion_alarm_level_4_1 0 battery_level: 100
friendly_name: Stairwell Motion Alarm Level
node_id: 4
sensor.stairwell_motion_alarm_type_4_0 0 battery_level: 100
friendly_name: Stairwell Motion Alarm Type
node_id: 4
sensor.stairwell_motion_burglar_4_10 3 battery_level: 100
friendly_name: Stairwell Motion Burglar
node_id: 4
sensor.stairwell_motion_sourcenodeid_4_2 0 battery_level: 100
friendly_name: Stairwell Motion SourceNodeId
node_id: 4

yes I see that. I get 5 different values.The problem I am having is which entry I need to make a sensor and how to get it to register a change in the frontend.

here is what i’ve found and tried to get it to work.
i got this sensor https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GUSNQW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
still no work
@carlostico read this hoping it would help http://homeautomation.lavoieholdings.com/mimolite-garage-door-plugin
@carlostico here is my forum post Mimolite and magnetic switch
@carlostico here is one of the posts I read https://objectpartners.com/2016/09/20/automating-your-garage-door-with-mimolite/
@carlostico the one that started it all https://community.smartthings.com/t/mimolite-for-garage-door-and-magnetic-door-contact/4693

My guess would be that the sensor id is “binary_sensor.fortrezz_unknown_type0453_id0111_sensor_25_0”

You can also watch the transactions flow through the system by running the following command “sudo journalctl -fu home-assistant” and then triggering the condition/sensor in question.

The sensor should show up by default in the top of the front end something like this :

In my case, I changed the default view to get rid of the extraneos sensors that I was not interested in.

I did this by editing my configuration files to hide what I didn’t care about and to create a more streamlined view:

Customization parameters to hide duplicate entities.


  hidden: true
  hidden: false
  hidden: true
  hidden: true
  hidden: true
  hidden: true
  hidden: true
  hidden: true


view: yes
- sun.sun
- binary_sensor.stairwell_motion_sensor_4_0
- binary_sensor.basement_motion_sensor_5_0

- group.weather

  - group.outside
  - group.1st_floor
  - group.2nd_floor
  - group.vacation

Thank you all for the help. @carlostico Ended up getting the same switch and working with him he was able to get his switch to function properly. Taking that information I was able to figure out that my ozwcp did not have the proper entries in the manufacture_sources.xml. I found the updated information and added it to my openzwave folders and the mimolite showed up in my HA frontend. I don’t know how to update my openzwave control panel so I added the files manually. All is good at this point.

so, can i ask how you set up the mimolite for use. i have one as well and i need to get it integrated into HASS. I havent been able to find any info on setup. I am very new to HASS so any help here would be greatly appreciated.


have you added it to the zwave controller?

Doh! I was looking for a component and didn’t think about just adding it. Is it possible to change parameters once it’s added? I need to change the relay momentary latch duration.
