Min Renovasjon Integration

I made a custom integration for Min Renovasjon to get waste collection data into your Home assistant.


  • Automatically fetches waste collection data from Min Renovasjon API
  • Creates sensors for each waste fraction (e.g., paper, residual waste, food waste)
  • Displays the next collection date for each fraction
  • Updates data periodically (default: every hour)


Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the min_renovasjon folder from the github repository.
  2. Copy the folder to your custom_components directory in your Home Assistant configuration directory.
  3. Restart Home Assistant.

You find the github repository here

Feel free to give me feedback or suggestion for feature

Street Code ??? how to get that ??
Or how to find it from this https://ws.geonorge.no/adresser/v1/sok?sok=Min%20Gate%2012