Mini-graph-card color_thresholds: the line remains mostly black

I want to adaptively colour the temperature curve in a map (light blue, orange, red), but mostly the colour for line, symbol etc. remains black. I have already tried it with all possible values, but the curve is almost always black. Even if I set the levels very narrow: black.

The configuration is always the same:

  type: custom:mini-graph-card
  line_width: 8
  font_size: 75
  hour24: true
    - entity: sensor.klimasensor_dach_1_temperature
      state_adaptive_color: true
    labels: true
    extrema: true
    state: true
    name: true
    icon: false
    name_adaptive_color: false
    icon_adaptive_color: true
    - value: 0
      color: '#6495ED'
    - value: 17
      color: '#6495ED'
    - value: 19
      color: orange
    - value: 28
      color: red
  name: Anne
  hours_to_show: '24'
  group_by: hourly

The problem also exists if I set ‘orange’ only once from any value or even all values to ‘red’.

Is this a bug or am I doing something else wrong?

I am having a similar issue with my set up too!