Mini Graph Card diff line between two values


i have this card

But why is the green (58%) on like 20% on the graphic (lines) while 97% is so much higher.

I want a graph that is realistic, so 58% must be over the half for me and 100% is the highest

That is the code for it

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Luftfeuchtigkeit
update_interval: 10
icon: fas:tint
more_info: false
line_width: 2
aggregate_func: median
logarithmic: true
group_by: hour
group: false
hour24: true
animate: true
decimals: 1
bar_spacing: 5
align_state: center
  - value: 'off'
    label: Day
  - value: 'on'
    label: Night
  name: true
  icon: true
  state: true
  graph: line
  fill: true
  points: false
  legend: true
  extrema: false
  labels: false
  name_adaptive_color: true
  icon_adaptive_color: true
  - entity: sensor.raumthermostat_wohnraum_humidity
    name: Haus
    color: '#34a853'
    show_state: true
  - entity: sensor.current_outside_humidity
    name: Draußen
    color: '#fbbc05'
    show_state: true

I have also the same here…
0,45€ is nearly the half of 0,89€ but the line is really at the bottom and not on the half

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Strombezug heute
height: 90
icon: mdi:currency-eur
aggregate_func: sum
  labels: false
  name_adaptive_color: true
  icon_adaptive_color: true
hour24: true
logarithmic: true
hours_to_show: 12
points_per_hour: 4
decimals: 2
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy_cost
    name: Gesamt
    color: '#fbbc05'
    unit: €
    show_points: false
  - entity: sensor.easee_draussen_cost_daily
    name: Wallbox
    color: '#4285f4'
    unit: €
    show_state: true
    show_points: false
line_width: 5
  style: "@keyframes pulse {\n\t0% {\n\t\ttransform: scale(0.8);\n\t}\n\n    50% {\n      text-shadow: 0px 0px 7px #4285f4;\n      transform: scale(1.1);\n\t}\n\n\t100% {\n\t\ttransform: scale(0.8);\n\t}\n}\n.states--secondary {\n  {%- set sensor = states('sensor.easee_draussen_power')|float %}\n  {%- if sensor > 10000 %}\n\tanimation: pulse 1s infinite;\n    color: #4285f4!important;\n  {%- if sensor > 0 %}\n\tanimation: pulse 2s infinite;\n    color: #4285f4!important;\n  {%- endif %}\n}\n"

The card automatically scales the Y-axis to show as much detail as possible. If you don’t want this and want the bottom of the graph to be 0 then add:

lower_bound: 0
type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Strombezug heute
height: 90
icon: mdi:currency-eur
  labels: false
  name_adaptive_color: true
  icon_adaptive_color: true
hour24: true
logarithmic: true
hours_to_show: 12
points_per_hour: 4
decimals: 2
lower_bound: 0
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy_cost
    name: Gesamt
    color: '#fbbc05'
    unit: €
    show_points: false
  - entity: sensor.easee_draussen_cost_daily
    name: Wallbox
    color: '#4285f4'
    unit: €
    show_state: true
    show_points: false
line_width: 5
  style: "@keyframes pulse {\n\t0% {\n\t\ttransform: scale(0.8);\n\t}\n\n    50% {\n      text-shadow: 0px 0px 7px #4285f4;\n      transform: scale(1.1);\n\t}\n\n\t100% {\n\t\ttransform: scale(0.8);\n\t}\n}\n.states--secondary {\n  {%- set sensor = states('sensor.easee_draussen_power')|float %}\n  {%- if sensor > 10000 %}\n\tanimation: pulse 1s infinite;\n    color: #4285f4!important;\n  {%- if sensor > 0 %}\n\tanimation: pulse 2s infinite;\n    color: #4285f4!important;\n  {%- endif %}\n}\n"

if i add lower_bound: 0

it looks like that

More strange :frowning:
Dont understand how i get the graph real, so 0,93€ is 100% and 0,45€ is nearly 50% of it on the graph

Delete this:

You want a linear axis.

I used some of my entities with your card (without logarithmic) it definitely works:

yes that works… :slight_smile:

Thank you!
Also one problem was my period i look back, so the graph is higher cause i look back bigger range where it was over 7€ yesterday

if i change it just 2-3 hours back, than it looks perfect

Is it possible to setup time from only today, so i dont get the yesterday?
In the evening i want much more hours than in the morning (cause i dotn want to see yesterday)

So hours_to_show from 0:00 to now?

You cannot.
And you better should ask these questions in a dedicated mini-graph-card thread - instead of creating a new one.

Or use apex-charts instead. It can show a time range rather than the past n hours.