Mini-graph-card not showing attribute value

I’ve followed the docs on the mini-graph-card wiki and have the following so far:

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Temperature
  - climate.0x0cae5ffffec74ae7
attribute: current_temperature
line_color: lightblue
line_width: 8
font_size: 75

and the device with its attributes looks like this:

I’m getting NaN instead of the expected graph. The sensor is actually reporting a value back, and it’s showing on the States page. What am I missing? Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

See the example in the documentation:

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Temperature
  - entity: climate.0x0cae5ffffec74ae7
    attribute: current_temperature
line_color: lightblue
line_width: 8
font_size: 75

I tried that originally but if I change the indentation I get:

bad indentation of a sequence entry (5:14)

 2 | name: Temperature
 3 | entities:
 4 |   - climate.0x0cae5ffffec74ae7
 5 |     attribute: current_temperature

EDIT: d’oh! Spotted my error. Thank you! All sorted!

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