Mini Media Player - Alexa HA integration

Hi all, HA newbie here. I have seen several vids about integrating Alexa into HA via Alexa media player. Worked fine, Alexa has been integrated and Mini Media player has been installed. But with the card, I can only send TTS to my Alexas. The Mini Media Player card does not show any music or Album covers etc that is played on any of my Alexas. I can only control volume via slider. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

this is the code of the card:

title: Kitchen Echo
type: custom:mini-media-player
artwork: full-cover
entity: media_player.arbeitszimmer
  platform: alexa
  enity_id: media_player.arbeitszimmer
source: full
sound_mode: full
info: scroll
group: false

I just noticed that status under Dev Tools is showing as “Stand by”, even if its actually playing something:

  - Local Speaker
volume_level: 0.18
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_type: standby
media_position_updated_at: '2021-12-02T23:21:45.787502+00:00'
source: Local Speaker
available: true
last_called: true
last_called_timestamp: 1638562784047
last_called_summary: ''
connected_bluetooth: null
  - '[Samsung] Soundbar'
friendly_name: Arbeitszimmer
supported_features: 56253

Sorry, but I am quite new to HA

Did you ever find a solution? I’m expriencing the same issue.