Mini Media Player Cover visualization


I am not able to show the cover of the song which is playing does anybody know what to do in this case

 - type: entities
          - artwork: cover
            type: custom:mini-media-player
            entity: media_player.sound_wohnzimmer
            group: true
            source: icon
            info: short

What integration is that media player?

Does it show cover on the standard media card?

Is there an attribute called entity_picture: for the entity?

Thanks for the fast reply

The Media Player:

  - platform: linkplay
    host: 192.168.1.xx
    name: Sound Wohnzimmer
    icecast_metadata: "StationNameSongTitle"
    sources: !include linkplay-radio-sources.yaml

No it does not show cover on the standard media card

When I add this entity: entity_picture to the media player it gives me an error.

Linkplay is a custom component. I assume you use this GitHub - nagyrobi/home-assistant-custom-components-linkplay: LinkPlay based media devices integration for Home Assistant. Fully compatible with Mini Media Player card including speaker group management. Supports snapshot and restore functionality for TTS.

In which case use the link there to ask for help.

thanks, will give It a try