Mini media player - Platform pour Speaker group management


I installed Mini Media Player from HACS to get the most out of my Google connected speakers.

They appear correctly in the Mini Media Player interface.

I’d like to create a speaker group management with my speakers.

Here is the yaml taken from the github below with my speakers:

type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.cuisine
  power: true
  icon: true
  source: true
  platform: media_player
  show_group_count: true
    - entity_id: media_player.cuisine
      name: Cuisine
    - entity_id: media_player.hall_etage
      name: Jeux
    - entity_id: media_player.honorine
      name: Honorine
    - entity_id: media_player.reveil_clovis
      name: Reveil Clovis
    - entity_id: media_player.salle_de_bain
      name: Salle de bain

I can’t get a list as explained on the site. Here’s what I get:

Whereas I would like a list like this:


Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Your speaker group platform is different than the example on the guide.

Yes, I know.

On the guide, platform is sonos for Sonos’ speaker.

In my case, I use differents media player (Google Home).

I assume that I use media_player platform like noted on the guide :


What integration are you using for Google and does it support the join/unjoin service calls?

Only Google Cast :

I do not see the Google Cast integration providing the join/unjoin service calls.
Someone might know more about that integration and make sure this is correct.

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Anybody can help please ?


Have you found a solution? I’ve having the same problem although I’m using media_player because I’m using google homes which use google cast

That error message says it all.
There is no service call for join, so each device is a standalone media player.


No, any solution till now… :frowning:

I welcome any solution, as long as it is well explained :slight_smile:

Yeah no solution unfortunately, in another thread someone mentioned the Google cast integration doesn’t support join/unjoin

Ok, thanks.

Looking forward to having a speaker that can be directly integrated into Home Assistant and that works with Assist :star_struck: