Mini media player. Reserving the space for the cover

Hi, I tried to ask in the oficial post some days ago but I didn’t get answer.
It’s there a way to reserve the space of the card and have the same size that have when a cover is show?. The mini media player shrink when nothing is playing and all my dashboard moves. I would like to display and image when nothing is played that reserve the space. I tried with the background option but the background shrink at the size of the player.

Thanks in advance

You can control the height of the card via

type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.xxxxxx
group: true
artwork: material
source: icon
  style: |
    .mmp-player {
      height: 300px;

Yes, I know, but the controls do not remains down

Your post didn’t mention that…

You are going to have to move the other components too
For example:

  style: |
    .mmp-player {
      height: 300px;
    .mmp-player__core {
      top: 220px;
    .mmp-player__adds {
      top: 210px;
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Thanks I will work with that. :blush:

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