Minimalist no haptic feedback in the app

I wanted to create minimalist dashboards for my phone and tablet, but although it looks very nice, there is no feedback after clicking the buttons. The issue does not exist on normal dashboards - only minimalist ones are affected. Long press does vibrate the phone, but I would like to have feedback if I clicked the thing.
Read through button-card readme and issues, and it seems that it should work for iOS, but I’m using Android on both devices. Is there any configuration/extension that can be applied to enable feedback on click for minimalist buttons in Android app?

First check that vibration is enabled in your HA user profile, then check the card yaml configuration. Once you confirm that click on a card and then check companion app logs to see if it attempted to process the haptic command.

Thanks for suggestions. I checked, and vibration is enabled and works with regular buttons from HA. They just don’t work with minimalist buttons. Created dashboard with 2 buttons one from minimalist Power Outlet Card - UI Lovelace Minimalist and one from HA. Clicking on the latter gives feedback (even if button is not available - no success response), clicking (tapping) on the minimalist one gives no physical feedback, just change of colour.

There is haptics: light notification after clicking original HA button, but nothing while clicking other one. But also found lots of E mpanion.androi: Invalid ID 0x00000000. errors (might be related to the click but because I don’t know how to tail logs in real time (for example on different screen) I cannot tell if that’s the reason of clicking into the button or not.

your best bet is to file an issue with the custom card developer and get it fixed from there

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Did you make any progress getting it to work?

Looks like a PR was merged recently to solve this, try updating the card to the latest version.