Minimalist Spotify Card for Home Assistant with Room Presence and Ambilight V2.0

Minimalist Spotify Card for Home Assistant with Room Presence and Ambilight V2.0

Okay I have modified @rhysb card and created a complete new card. The animations are in a continous loop. When Spotift status turns into “idle” a welcome screen appears. Media players are listed at above.

Everything you need is in the manual. I have spent long hours writing the manual. There are definitions line by line for installing. Don’t worry if you are a newbee, it will be a piece of cake with the manual. You can even modify your own samples easily.


Page Properties:

  • Room Presence. Start the music in your last entered room automatically.

  • Media Player controls

  • Spotify Card integrated. Start your playlist from the card.

  • Exclusively designed for Spotify control.

  • Ambilight animations.

  • Browser Mode integration.

  • Minimalistic design. You can hide media players and spotify playlist.

  • See which media player is currentlu playing

  • Rewind - Forward your music.

  • Developed on the basis of Amazon Echo devices but you can also use it with any other media player type.

  • Can easily be installed with the given manual


My Other Projects:


Unbelievable that not a single person left a comment.

Well someone is got to be the first, this looks really cool. I will definitely get inspired by it.

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Wow thank you very much. There is a new version coming. Hopefully I will release the codes as soon as I finish.