I’m using the “card_room” card from Minimalist UI. I’m trying to do some custom things for entity_1
- Is there a way supply a custom icon for the entity’s icon?
- Is it possible to make this icon change depending on the state of the entity?
3)Is it possible for the icon to have the color depending on the state of the entity (i.e color of a light). I
- Is it possible to add text below this icon?
I’ve gotten this basic config to work:
entity_id: light.strip
- yellow_on
action: toggle
but can’t figure out how change the icon and color. I’m thinking this might require using custom templates. If this is true, is there any documentation on how to do that?
I’m fairly new to the theme as well and was trying to do the first thing you asked but haven’t really been able to do so.
Regarding your second question I think that’s not really possible.
For the third one, you can change the color depending on the state of the entity and you are already doing it. You do so through the “templates” key. In your case it will be “yellow” if the state is “on” (or true, depending on what your entity provides). If you want set a different color you may use any of the ones available at custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/lovelace/ulm_templates/card_templates/colors
. In my case I have a camera through Frigate so if it’s recording I use “red_on” but I also could add “blue_off” to turn the icon blue if it’s not recording.
As far as I know it’s not possible to link it to the actual color a light might be emitting as different lights have different parameters to set such colors.
I also think it’s not possible to add text (as in a label) below the icons. It would also look a bit overcrowded in my opinion unless you use something like a room card per row.