Minimalistic Dashboard for Climate

My radiators are managed through Tado valves. I wanted to create a compact, yet usable dashboard to show their status and values. I tried all the climate custom cards I can found on HACS, with no luck. I used the Simple Thermostat Card for a while, but I was not able to show all my radiators on a single page, without scrolling. I use Home Assistant mainly by the smartphone, so the interface should be as compact as possible.

These are the parameters I want to show:

  • current temperature
  • current humidity
  • target temperature
  • on/off status
  • heating/idle status
  • boiler on/off status

I want to be able to set:

  • on/off status
  • target temperature

To set the target temperature is not so critical. My automations setup implements defaults for every room, so for the 90% of use I just need to turn the radiator on/off.

So, let’s start by showing you the resulting interface.

As you can see, the interface is so compact that I still have some free space to activate some scenarios.

The target temperature is shown only when the radiator is turned on. The ones currently heating takes the theme accent colour. To set the target temperature, I simply click on the device line and set it through the standard entity interface. It fits my needs.

set target

I was able to create this using a simple Entities card, powered up by the Multiple Entity Row custom card. It was as simple as that.

This is the code of a sample entity.

- type: entities
    - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
      entity: climate.cucina
      name: 'Cucina'
      toggle: true
      state_color: true
        - attribute: temperature
          name: Caldo
          format: precision1
          unit: false
          hide_unavailable: true
            below: 6
        - attribute: current_humidity
          name: UmiditĂ 
          unit: '%'
        - attribute: current_temperature
          name: Temp
          format: precision1
          unit: false

You need to repeat the attributes’ header on every entity, if you want the values to be aligned like a grid.

The boiler entity has a slightly different setup, since it is just there for reference. The main difference is about the tap_action: it does nothing.

- type: entities
    - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
      entity: climate.termostato
      name: Caldaia
      toggle: false
      state_color: true
      show_state: false
      icon: mdi:fire
        action: none

Actually, I use the Decluttering custom card to keep the dashboard code clean and readable, but that’s up to you.
