Minimote and Z Wave Bulb Dimming

I think I’m on the right track - but can’t quite get it…

I have a Zwave Bulb and it’s turning on and off fine with the minimote - using automations with the following code
“- alias: Minimote Button 4 Pressed
platform: event
event_type: zwave.scene_activated
entity_id: aeotec_dsa03202_minimote_4
scene_id: 7
service: light.turn_off
entity_id: light.linear_lb60z1_dimmable_led_light_bulb_level_3”

How can I use the hold down part of the minimote to dim up/down this bulb? I assume it’s another scene id on the automation, but I can’t seem to understand the dim part.

Let me know if you need more info to answer this.


The minimote hold down will indeed give you another scene, but it is still a single discrete event. You could use it to execute an automation action to switch the bulb to a predifined lower level, or execute a scene with dimmer lighting, but you can;t have the minimote progressively dim the bulb until you remove your finger from the button if that is what you are trying to do.

It might be possible with some effort to come up with an automation that dimmed the bulb say 10% for every long press.

@aimc - that’s kind of what I figured…I realized it was another discrete event and figured it wasn’t going to keep ‘pressing’ the button to dim - I kind of had a handle on the idea of script/automation to handle it - maybe some kind of math in a script/automation to say take the current setting and divide in 1/2 until x dimness then shutoff etc - or maybe a select kind of statement to say if 50%, go to 25% or something like that??