Here’s what I came up with to get a fast reaction from the MiniMote while having it paired with a Vera bridge.
First off, don’t bother with the SceneController
support that was recently added. It uses polling and it’s slow. The whole point of a remote is to get instant reaction. The solution is to just make native Vera scenes that send API calls to Home Assistant, have have the MiniMote trigger those. Here’s how I did it.
*This assumes you’ve already paired your MiniMote (it’s easy) and you’re on the latest Vera firmware.
In Vera
- Create a scene.
- For a trigger, pick
- Ignore actions, just skip that step and go straight to Step 3 of the scene wizard.
- In step 3, pick
Also, execute the following Luup code
and add the code below.
- Finally, name it after a button:
MiniMote Button 1
Lua Code
- Paste the below code into the field and replace the IP address with your Home Assistant’s IP address.
- Replace the password too.
local http = require "socket.http"
http.timeout = 5
local body, code, headers, status = http.request {
method = "POST",
url = "",
headers = { ["x-ha-access"] = "YOURPASSWORD" }
The event name in the URL is what you’ll listen for in your automation in Home Assistant.
Now, do this all over again, except name the scene MiniMote Button 1 Hold
and change the event name to something like minimote_button_1
. Now you have a scene to trigger when you hold a button on your MiniMote too.
Do this for all 4 of your buttons (you should end up with 8 scenes.)
Add scenes to button on your MiniMote
Now, go to your MiniMote and select Select scenes for device buttons
. Assign the scenes to your buttons.
Now when you click these buttons, they will send these events to your Home Assistant. You should see this in your logs:
INFO:homeassistant.components.http:Serving /api/events/minimote_button_1 to (auth: True)
If you see that, you know it’s working.
In Home Assistant
Now add some automations that listen for these events.
- alias: Minimote Button 1 Pressed
platform: event
event_type: minimote_button_1
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "light.bedroom"
- alias: Minimote Button 1 Held
platform: event
event_type: minimote_button_1_hold
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: "light.bedroom"
Voila! now you can pair your MiniMote with Vera and have the same fast reaction times that you should expect.