Minimotes and ghost nodes

I finally got my minimotes working, but in the process I had to add and remove them a few times. As a result I now have two nodes that don’t do anything and I don’t know how to remove them. My working nodes are 82 and 83, but Nodes 67 and 68 are still there.
In the Z wave control panel inside of the front end, they show up in the list as “(Node:67 Probe)” and “(Node:68 Probe).” Doing a remove failed node and restarting doesn’t do anything probably because they are registering as failed.

I am on 0.50.2 on Hassbian. I installed z wave via the PIP script so no OZWCP.

Here are some Z wave log entries:

2017-08-11 17:40:30.090 Info, Node067, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x25, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=67): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x43, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x25, 0xa4
2017-08-11 17:40:30.102 Detail, Node067,   Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x13, 0x01, 0xe8
2017-08-11 17:40:30.102 Detail, Node067,   ZW_SEND_DATA delivered to Z-Wave stack
2017-08-11 17:40:32.791 Detail, Node082,   Received: 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x52, 0x04, 0x2b, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x8c
2017-08-11 17:40:32.792 Detail, 
2017-08-11 17:40:32.792 Info, Node082, Received Scene Activation set from node 82: scene id=1 now. Sending event notification.
2017-08-11 17:40:32.792 Detail, Node082, Notification: SceneEvent
2017-08-11 17:40:34.199 Detail, Node067,   Received: 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x13, 0x25, 0x01, 0x01, 0x9a, 0x54
2017-08-11 17:40:34.199 Detail, Node067,   ZW_SEND_DATA Request with callback ID 0x25 received (expected 0x25)
2017-08-11 17:40:34.199 Info, Node067, WARNING: ZW_SEND_DATA failed. No ACK received - device may be asleep.
2017-08-11 17:40:34.199 Info, Node067,   Node 67 has been marked as asleep
2017-08-11 17:40:34.199 Info, Node067, Node not responding - moving QueryStageComplete command to Wake-Up queue
2017-08-11 17:40:34.200 Detail, Node067, Notification: Notification - NoOperation
2017-08-11 17:40:34.203 Detail, Node067, Notification: Notification - Node Asleep

2017-08-11 17:39:09.709 Detail, Node067, AdvanceQueries queryPending=0 queryRetries=0 queryStage=Probe live=1
2017-08-11 17:39:09.709 Detail, Node067, QueryStage_Probe
2017-08-11 17:39:09.709 Info, Node067, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-08-11 17:39:09.709 Detail, Node067, Queuing (NoOp) NoOperation_Set (Node=67): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x43, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x25, 0xa4
2017-08-11 17:39:09.709 Detail, Node067, Queuing (Query) Query Stage Complete (Probe)

Any thoughts?

I have a very similar problem.
I added 2 off fibaro wall plugs, no problem.
I came to add the third and it added it but with no switch exposed.
I tried removing it, removing failed, finally I had to reset the plug and re-add.
I now have a working plug but the ghost of the first inclusion is still with me and I can’t get rid of it.
Anyone got any ideas of how to clear this ?
How about stopping hassio and manually editing the ozw files ??? Or would that screw up something else ?

You could try backing up then removing the entities from the entity registry file. Resart and let Hass pull them in from Z wave automatically. I’d avoid editing the z wave files unless you know what you’re doing.

I read up on this but the help bit on it talks about disabling (partial and could break) or renaming … mmmmmmn not sure of either.
From what you’ve suggested would disabling it remove the ghost ?