Mirabella Genio Smart Home

Problem solved. Updated firmware from 8.0.2 to latest 11.1.0. Initially got an error message “Upload buffer miscompare”. Installed the lite firmware version and then full latest version which did not then error.

Got the Genio 1003989 9W RGB+CCT bulb
This no longer comes with an ESP8266, but has a CB3L instead - one of Tuya’s own “modules” that contains a BK7231N microcontroller.

Fortunately, this can still be flashed over serial using these instructions: https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic3874289.html

Hey Ryan, I’ve been configuring a similar Genio E14 RGBCCT SM2135 chipped lamp but having an issue getting the white and warm white to work. RGB is fine though. I’m using the same yaml & channels as you posted above.
Question: How many entities do you see for this lamp in the ESPhome integration ?
I see only 1 but expected 2 or 3 (RGB, WW, CW etc).

This is what I’m seeing but the white channels don’t activate…

I could kiss you I swear, I submitted a ticket to ESPHome like 5 months ago hoping to get the clock strobing issue fixed (I’ve got like 14 of these lights) and now I can RGB MY HOUSE FOR NO REASON

Does cold_white and warm_white channels work for your lights ?

Hey mate, Yeah all works as expected for me. Just change the colour temp and off it goes… Maybe the cool/warm is on different channels with the E14 lamp?

Hahahaha welcome. Just spend a bit of time tweaking as I found even though it worked on the bench when I came back after a while it had gone wonky. My max_power setting was just trial and error to get that.

Thanks for the feedback.
OK, maybe my lamp is defective, there are only 5 (0-4) channels on the chip and three are used for RGB which are working fine. When I slide the colour temp slider from cold to warm direction the RGB leds go out but white/s does not come on (color_interlock: would make RGB drop out).
I wondered if there was a coding bug in the ESPhome SM2135 driver, but now that can’t be if yours works.
I will either find another lamp or probe this one with a CRO and see what the W/WW output PWM pins are doing. Trouble is the voltages around the PCB may be lethal…

Yep, I’ve got all full colour range and now RGB, here’s my yaml :slight_smile:
The gamma correct lets me set the lights to 1% at night time

  clock_pin: GPIO12
  data_pin: GPIO14

# Individual outputs
  - platform: sm2135
    id: output_red
    channel: 1
    max_power: 0.2
  - platform: sm2135
    id: output_green
    channel: 0
    max_power: 0.2
  - platform: sm2135
    id: output_blue
    channel: 2
    max_power: 0.2
  - platform: sm2135
    id: output_white
    channel: 3
  - platform: sm2135
    id: output_warmwhite
    channel: 4

  - platform: rgbww
    name: "${friendly_name}"
    red: output_red 
    green: output_green 
    blue: output_blue 
    cold_white: output_white 
    warm_white: output_warmwhite 
    cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K
    warm_white_color_temperature: 2700 K
    color_interlock: true
    # Ensure the light turns on by default if the physical switch is actuated.
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
    gamma_correct: false

For what it’s worth the SM2135 issue is tracked in git here.

There’s also someone else who’s made a fix that’s yet to be merged into the main branch of esphome

It’s an ESPhome issue since Tasmota’s implementation works fine

I was just about to get my downlights installed and started fiddling with them on the bench again. Found that the colour was a bit off. After some trial and error have found the red channel max power at 0.6 seems to be the sweet spot. If I was a betting man I reckon that you need the sum of all max power to equal 1 when added up for the RGB channels. So when you go to “white” with all channels on its still only at 1 or 100%.

Just going to throw this out there: I’m working my way through measuring all of the Mirabella Genio lights, to contribute to powercalc.

If you have a few globes to spare, a lamp and a compatible power measurement device, contributions welcome.

Alternatively, if you are AU based and have any unused globes around, happy to do the measurements and mail them back to you.

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I haven’t purchased a Genio globe since probably 3-4 years. Just wondering if Tuya-convert is still an option or is there some other method you have to use now to flash with tasmota?

did anyone manage to get the Mirabella Genio Wi-Fi 1.4m Pixel LED Corner Light into home assistant?

You may have luck using the new OTA flash method.

It isn’t listed as tested but there are other Mirabella devices so it’ll likely work, just needs someone to try and confirm.

I’m not willing to flash it (yet), since I’m pretty sure I’ll loose the sound reaction part.
I managed to get it into HA using localtuya, but I’m not sure I got all the IDs right.

there’s a bunch of these genio devices on sale at my local woolies this week so I was gunna grab some

see how I go with localtuya

Has anyone got the genio power board? Is power to the USB ports togglable?

A quick search of this thread gives this:

Just got a few of these for Xmas. How’s it going with LocalTuya? I assume you didn’t end up flashing them?