Mirror Hue Light attributes to another Hue Light


I have been using HA for a couple months and just started working with Node-Red. It seems to have some extra options I couldn’t do in yaml but I am having some trouble wrapping my head around some of it.

I have a light (Light A) that we turn off when we watch TV because it glares on the screen. I have a flow in NR that correctly shuts off light A when we start watching something and when it stops or pauses light A turns back on.

What I would like to accomplish is that Light A turns back on with the same settings as light B. We often set some type of mood lighting for shows and if we stop or pause, light A comes back on and its a different color, brightness, etc.

I dont see how I can call any of the variables in the next node of the flow. Debug shows a value for brightness (light.light_b.brightness) if I use the “current state” node. How can I save the attributes of Light B and apply them to Light A? Is it possible?