Mirroring two input numbers?

I may have my wires crossed so please dont treat me like an idiot - i might just be going around this the wrong way.

How do I go about mirroring two input numbers?

The concept:
Currently, Im using a single input_number to control the set temp of a climate control (mainly because I can customize my own design of a thermostat card using card-mod and an automation that uses the input_number to set the temp of the climate entity)

However, I have been having a few disagreements with my wife as to WHO changed the temperature of the AC. She insists its not her, so I decided I will create a dashboard for her phone exclusively for her. Its simpler AND has more WAF for her needs, which is different to mine which is more complex and has more detail.

What I need two input_numbers (input_number.number1 which is on dashboard1 and input_number.number2 which is on dashboard2) with the ability to mirror each other, so that if either one of us make the change it mirrors on the others dashboard with the ability to log which dashboard made the change.

We ARE NOT using separate accounts, I have created an Android shortcut for her that goes directly to her dashboard and we are using the same login credentials as each other.

I have tried doing this but only one input_number changes the other (typically input_number.number1) for obvious reasons.

Any Ideas as to how I can get around this would be FANTASTIC.

  - platform: template
    value_template: "{{ states('input_number.number1') != states('input_number.number2') }}"
    id: number1
  - platform: template
    value_template: "{{ states('input_number.number2') != states('input_number.number1') }}"
    id: number2
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - number1
          - service: input_number.set_value
              entity_id: input_number.number2
              value: "{{ states('input_number.number1') }}"
          - service: python_script.set_state
              state: Dads dashboard made the change to the Airconditioner
              entity_id: sensor.house_logbook
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - number2
          - service: input_number.set_value
              entity_id: input_number.number1
              value: "{{ states('input_number.number2') }}"
          - service: python_script.set_state
              state: Wifes dashboard made the change to the Airconditioner
              entity_id: sensor.house_logbook
mode: single

  - platform: state
      - input_number.number1
      - input_number.number2
      - unknown
      - unavailable
      - unknown
      - unavailable
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ states('input_number.number1') != states('input_number.number2') }}"
  - variables:
      ent_num: "{{ 1 if trigger.to_state.entity_id == 'input_number.number1' else 2 }}"
      source: "{{ 'Dad' if trigger.to_state.entity_id == 'input_number.number1' else 'Mom' }}"
      to: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ to }}"
      entity_id: input_number.number{{ ent_num }}
  - service: python_script.set_state
      state: "{{source}}'s dashboard made the change to the Airconditioner"
      entity_id: sensor.house_logbook
mode: single

I left it in since it was part of your original post, but with the available helpers and template sensors, there is no need for python_script.set_state:

Use separate accounts in Home Assistant. Part of the information fired through the event bus is the user id that triggered the state change, which is based upon how they interact with home assistant (i.e. on their phone, your phone, a computer, etc.)

I do this, but I do it through NodeRED and thus I can also connect to Google Sheets to log specific actions that I’m interested in figuring out. Most of the time I just need to figure out whether or not the change was human input or automation…and it’s only to troubleshoot.