Missing actions to manage local calendars

There seems to missing actions to manage the local calendars, for example:

  1. Can not create repeat events
  2. Can not delete events
  3. No dialog box to create / modify an event except when using the specific local calendars UI


What do you mean by this?

@petro , you can do these manually, but WTH isn’t there a way to do this through automations / scripts? I have an add alarm button where I use “calendar.create_event” but there isn’t a way (that I know of) to make it a repeating event. (That is, I have a create alarm button on my page which creates a new calendar event, but I’d like to have it repeat on Thursdays. My partner isn’t going to go to the calendar page to create an event in one of the four local calendars my instance has).

Similarly for deleting event, you can do it through a dialogue box if you go to the calendar page, but WTH isn’t there an equivalent “calendar.delete_event” page.

Am I missing some trick to do this?

No but you didn’t state any of that in your wth

I hereby revise my WTH!. But in fairness to the OP, they did say it was missing “actions”.

I would love for the ability to have a service call to delete an event, get what events are reoccurring, or to modify the event. At the very least for local calendars.