Missing addons - Dnsmasq

Hello Everyone,
I’ve got a problem with missing official addons.

In addons store I’ve got just 15 official addons ( when I compare it to other Users I have ~6 missing). The main problem is that Dnsmasq is missing.

My Home Assistant is running on Docker - Supervisor (linux ubuntu), today also I’ve done reinstallation but nothing changed.

I would like to use Dnsmasq for using one URL address when I’m connecting to HA using local network and external internet connection (or maybe there is another way to do it in easy way without Dnsmasq - It should be easy because I’m really beginner in this topics)

Do you have a idea how to solve this problem? I will be really appreciate for getting help.

Thank you in advance.

Some addons are now considered for ‘advanced’ users only. If you click on your user profile (the icon with the first letter of your user name) at the bottom of the LH menubar and switch on advanced mode you should find you have access to all the addons.


Perfect! Now I’ve got missing addons.

Now just configure Dnsmasq and change DNS for Android devices for using one URL (btw how to modify DNS in Andorid without 3rd apps, in my Xiaomi devices I didn’t see this option)