Missing Automations, Scripts & Scenes from the frontend


I seem to be having an issue with Automations, Scripts & Scenes Frontend. I have various automations and scripts but am unable to see them in the front end.
All I get is ‘We couldn’t find any editable automations’

I have tried deleting the contents of my automations.yaml and created a new one on the frontend which adds the information to the file. However I still cannot see it on the frontend.

I have tried restarting and reloading everything to no luck.

Could someone please help me rectify this issue?

Many Thanks

Does your configuration.yaml file contain the default_config option?

If not, then you need to explicitly specify options that it represents:

Thanks for the reply.

Yes it does contain the default_config option.

I have since tested with other browsers (IE & Firefox) and everything is showing up as it should. Seems to be an issue with Chrome.

Any ideas on what could be stopping it from working on chrome?

Beats me. Have you flushed the page cache? (Ctrl+F5)

Do you have this:

# Includes
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Yes I do.

Im assuming it wouldn’t work in other browsers if I didnt have all the .yaml files added to my config?

Ctrl + F5 didnt work either.

Thanks for the suggestion. :slight_smile:

Do you see this menu?

Configuration > Users

If yes, does the account you are using have Administrator rights?

Ok. Think I just sorted it. I completely removed chrome and installed it again.

Everything now seems to be working ok.

Thanks for everyones help.

Hi Guys,
I am pretty new in Home Assistant. So far I habe been able to activate some sensors, switches and integrations such as deconz for my Zigbee sensors and lights.

So far so good. Now I wanted to familiarise myself with automations but I cannot findd the configurations menu nor can I find the menu for automations under the settings menu.

Any Idea as to why the don’t show? and what I habe to do in order to make them appear?

Cheers Rainer