Missing Binary Sensor for Shelly1 with Tasmota (Beta) integration

Hi to everyone, as this is my first post here :slight_smile:

I do have an issue with a Shelly1 running Tasmota.
I want to use the switch1 as a binary sensor, decoupled from the relais. I read the documentation and did the following

  • Flashing Tasmota 9.1
  • Verified that SetOption19 is set to 0
  • Configured MQTT settings
  • The Shelly shows up in HA with the Relais exposed and 8 other “hidden” entities
  • Changed SetOption114 to 1
  • The switch1 is now decoupled from the relais, I verified this with a physical switch attached (works)

What does not work is, I cannot see the binary_sensor as per documentation
I can us the sensor with an automation, but in my case I want the sensor to be exposed as entity so I can see if the attached reed contact is open or closed.

I cannot find what I did wrong. I also tested SetOption73 but it makes no difference. I even delete the device in HA, restarted the shelly and even made some “dummy” changes on the MQTT settings, but the binary_sensor does not get exposed as entity in HA.

Can someone point me to what I did wrong, missed ?

This is what the tasmota console shows when pressing the switch

11:22:05 MQT: stat/tasmota_2D27EF/RESULT = {"Switch1":{"Action":"TOGGLE"}}
11:22:05 MQT: stat/tasmota_2D27EF/RESULT = {"Switch1":{"Action":"TOGGLE"}}


I solved my problem by myself - digging into the documentation a little more I played with SetOption114 and setting this to 1 made the binary_sensor available for HA with the Tasmota (Beta) integration.

The documentation is quite hard to understand, perhaps separating the sentences and explaining them in a little more detail would make it easier to understand.

But anyhow, thanks for the great product. To HA, Shelly and Tasmota :slight_smile:

Update: replaced switchmode wit setoption114, sorry for this

Hi h3rb3rt,
I’m stuck in the same point, could I ask you to be so kind to share the commands and the rules you used to configure Tasmota on Shelly1?
thank you in advanced

For sure :slight_smile:
The main resource for all of this is

I used SetOption114 and set it to 1 - which detached the switch from the relay and made it available as a sensor.
The second part was setting SwitchMode1 to 1, but I am quite sure this is not needed. Therefor I need to adjust my solution up there, where I think I just made a false statement when writing it. Sorry

The problem might be that you have to wait for the next discovery message, which you can force by restarting the Tasmota device. Until then the sensor will not be created.

It is needed.