Missing Calender Events on Calendar Card. Calender Entities shows next event

I have a local Radicale Caldav server connected to my Hassio. The calendars show up and have the next event in the attributes. HA even updates if I add events earlier after 5 minutes or so, so I know HA is talking to my Radicale server and is updating. My issue is that the Calendar Card does not show anything. It’s completely blank. It shows the month and the current day with the selectable calendars on the left but no events.

Radicale was configured in Docker without any signed ssl certs. I can do that but I’m fine with it being local only.

Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Supervisor 2022.11.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

Caldav server is setup in config yaml:



  • platform: caldav
    username: ‘username’
    password: !secret caldav
    url: ‘actual url but if I get it to work I’ll put it in secrets’
    days: 99
    verify_ssl: false

I thought it had to do with the days attribute but even at default it’s not showing dots or even event names. List views don’t show anything different. Is something broken or did I miss setting something up?