The new ZAMG component in version 0.40 displays an “unknown” state and temperature: null. Some attributes are also missing. Look at the picture for the output of ZAMG component:
My configuration, if I use the component:
- platform: zamg
station_id: 11101
name: Wetter
The same is happening for ZAMG sensor. It looks like:
My configuration for the ZAMG sensor:
- platform: zamg
station_id: 11101
- temperature
- humidity
- wind_speed
- wind_bearing
- sun_last_hour
- precipitation
- dew_point
It seems that the component ist getting its data from But, if I check the csv file, which is requested, the component or/and sensor may have a problem with special characters (e.g. º for degree) in the header row. All attributes with a special character in the header are missing.
"Station";"Name";"Höhe m";"Datum";"Zeit";"T °C";"TP °C";"RF %";"WR °";"WG km/h";"WSR °";"WSG km/h";"N l/m²";"LDred hPa";"LDstat hPa";"SO %"
[ ... ]
Could that be or am I doing something wrong?
Update: In the meantime, I have reported an issue (