Missing entities from multiple integrations after updating to core-2021.6.4

Hey Guys,

I have the wierdest thing going on. After updating to core-2021.6.3 and also core-2021.6.4, some of my entities are missing when restarting HA. In particular my media_player entities and all my MQTT lights added via MiLightHuB.

If I go to the integrations page I see the integrations without any entities attached. Like this.

If I then click the 3 dots and select Reload, the entitiy reappears. The entity remains visible until I restart HA again and all my media_player and MQTT lights entities are gone again…

Anyone experiencing the same issue?

Edit: I have 0 errors in my logs about the Integrations where the entities are missing.

Ok so I might have found the cause of this problem. After updating to the latest core I also started using the Custom Component Tuya integration instead of the normal Tuya integration.

After rolling back to using the original Tuya integration that came with Home Assistant I no longer have disappearing entities or enitity_id’s that get reset to their default names after restarting HA…
