Missing Entity in HRT4-ZW device (Z-Wave Thermostat Transmitter)

My HRT4-ZW/SRT321 Horstmann Thermostat Transmitter is not fully reflected as entities in my configuration, despite retrying several times this inclusion.

The entities added are “air_temperature”, “battery_level”, and “switch”. In the ZWave configuration panel ozwdaemon 0.5.2 (I am using the beta integration using MQTT) I see in user values the missing most important one: “Heating 1”, the setpoint that I guess triggers the addition of the “climate” entity.

Any idea how to “force” the configuration of this entity?

Debuging my own issue:

  • mqtt.debug shows well messages when the “setpoint” is changed on my device (manually), so Home Assistant well receive events but it does not want to add the matching entitiy
OpenZWave/1/node/20/instance/1/commandclass/67/value/281475317547026/,{    "Label": "Heating 1",    "Value": 20.0,    "Units": "C",    "ValueSet": true,    "ValuePolled": false,    "ChangeVerified": false,    "Min": 0,    "Max": 0,    "Type": "Decimal",    "Instance": 1,    "CommandClass": "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT",    "Index": 1,    "Node": 20,    "Genre": "User",    "Help": "Set the Thermostat Setpoint Heating 1",    "ValueIDKey": 281475317547026,    "ReadOnly": false,    "WriteOnly": false,    "Event": "valueRefreshed",    "TimeStamp": 1601716245}
OpenZWave/1/node/20/instance/1/commandclass/67/value/281475317547026/,{    "Label": "Heating 1",    "Value": 22.0,    "Units": "C",    "ValueSet": true,    "ValuePolled": false,    "ChangeVerified": false,    "Min": 0,    "Max": 0,    "Type": "Decimal",    "Instance": 1,    "CommandClass": "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT",    "Index": 1,    "Node": 20,    "Genre": "User",    "Help": "Set the Thermostat Setpoint Heating 1",    "ValueIDKey": 281475317547026,    "ReadOnly": false,    "WriteOnly": false,    "Event": "valueChanged",    "TimeStamp": 1601716246}
OpenZWave/1/node/20/instance/1/commandclass/67/value/281475317547026/,{    "Label": "Heating 1",    "Value": 22.0,    "Units": "C",    "ValueSet": true,    "ValuePolled": false,    "ChangeVerified": false,    "Min": 0,    "Max": 0,    "Type": "Decimal",    "Instance": 1,    "CommandClass": "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT",    "Index": 1,    "Node": 20,    "Genre": "User",    "Help": "Set the Thermostat Setpoint Heating 1",    "ValueIDKey": 281475317547026,    "ReadOnly": false,    "WriteOnly": false,    "Event": "valueRefreshed",    "TimeStamp": 1601716246}
OpenZWave/1/node/20/instance/1/commandclass/67/value/281475317547026/,{    "Label": "Heating 1",    "Value": 20.0,    "Units": "C",    "ValueSet": true,    "ValuePolled": false,    "ChangeVerified": false,    "Min": 0,    "Max": 0,    "Type": "Decimal",    "Instance": 1,    "CommandClass": "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT",    "Index": 1,    "Node": 20,    "Genre": "User",    "Help": "Set the Thermostat Setpoint Heating 1",    "ValueIDKey": 281475317547026,    "ReadOnly": false,    "WriteOnly": false,    "Event": "valueChanged",    "TimeStamp": 1601716249}
OpenZWave/1/node/20/instance/1/commandclass/67/value/281475317547026/,{    "Label": "Heating 1",    "Value": 20.0,    "Units": "C",    "ValueSet": true,    "ValuePolled": false,    "ChangeVerified": false,    "Min": 0,    "Max": 0,    "Type": "Decimal",    "Instance": 1,    "CommandClass": "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT",    "Index": 1,    "Node": 20,    "Genre": "User",    "Help": "Set the Thermostat Setpoint Heating 1",    "ValueIDKey": 281475317547026,    "ReadOnly": false,    "WriteOnly": false,    "Event": "valueRefreshed",    "TimeStamp": 1601716249}

Setpoint (temperature) set to 22 degres, then back to 20 degres from the device.

So why home assistant ignores it and have not the entity in front?

Fixed in 0.106 by https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/38455