Missing Entity of Temperature Sensor

Good morning everyone.
I installed Home Assistant on VirtualBox and I Istalled MQTT and Zigbee2MQTT. Everything works well but… I made the paring of Sonoff temperature sensor SNZB-02. On the Zigbee2MQTT, it shows every data. If I try to add on lovelace, there isn’t any sensor entity or sensor device. Same things if I try to create some automation. Do you have any idea? I try to search a solution here and on the www but I didn’t find the solution
Thank you for any your suggest

image on zigbee2mqtt page

image no entity or device


Do you have any other Zigbee devices that are working properly ?

I assume you have removed this device fully from your system and then re-paired it ?

Which Zigbee Coordinator are you using ?

Hi, I’m using sonoff dongle USB 3.0… I also made a paring of a TuYa valve with the same result. After that, I installed ZHA, I stopped Zigbee2MQTT and all entity become available via ZHA. So, using ZHA I can find the entities, instead if I’m using Zigbee2MQTT the entities are not available. I removed and made paring of devices with the same result. The devices works correctly on both configuration but with Zigbee2MQTT, obvious, I can’t create any card on lovelace or automation function.
Do you have any idea why?
Thank you in advance

Are you using v3.1 or v5 on the broker - It’s a longshot but it might make a difference. I would go for v5.