Missing Fan Mode Turbo

In the climate component is missing a fan mode “turbo” core/homeassistant/components/climate/const.py at abaac519c9ceb8a54bfd2bc9344841b6c0382673 · home-assistant/core · GitHub that is present in alla samsung air conditioner. Can be useful to add it. Thank you.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I would say “Impulse” preset does what you want.
At least it does the “boost” function in my Midea AC…

I asked for a “fan mode” not a preset. They are 2 different things. Or am I missing something?

I believe @Oscar_Calvo was offering a workaround for you is all, which is good since feature requests can take a while to implement so if you have an alternative way to achieve your needs in the meantime it helps.