Missing "hvac_action" statement on my Z-Wave Thermostat

Hi guys, not sure is the good section for this post, but I don’t know else I can but my post.
Here is my issue, I have two thermostat one is a Z wave and the other is a Google nest.
The Google nest when the state is on the heat mode HA know when the furnace start and stop so I can see how long the furnace is turned on, but with my Z-Wave it shows me like the furnace is always on.
This is my Z-Wave history.

My Z-Wave Thermostat has no statement “hvac_action: idle.”
So I suppose this is the problem.

Z-Wave Thermostat code from developer tools>states
  - cool
  - heat
  - heat_cool
  - "off"
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
  - "on"
  - auto
current_temperature: 19.4
temperature: 18.9
fan_mode: auto
battery_level: "100"
Vera Device Id: 3
icon: mdi:thermostat-box-auto
friendly_name: RDC Thermostat
supported_features: 393
From my Nest
  - heat
  - "off"
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 32
  - "on"
  - "off"
  - none
  - eco
current_temperature: 21.1
temperature: 20
fan_mode: "off"
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
icon: mdi:thermostat
friendly_name: Basement Nest Thermostat
supported_features: 409

Do I’m right about the issue? If yes.
Is it possible for me to get the “hvac_action” from my z-wave thermostat?
Thank’s for your time.

little pop up

You may get more responses if you provide details about the device in question.

Make sure your device’s firmware is up to date.

You can always try deleting the device and re-adding it.

Do you just need the model or you need more specific data?
I mean a log or something like that.
If my memory is good when I have set it up my specific device model wasn’t in the choice so I have choose another one.
Here is the information on the box.
Technology: Z-Wave
Brand: 2gig technologies
Type: HAVC
Model: CT30

It should have an hvac action. I’d try reinterviewing, What entities does the device have?

Just one check the picture.
By the way I use Vera 3 for my Z wave thermostat if that can help you.

Little pop up

Anyone up up?

Looking at the Vera integration’s climate platform code, it appears hvac_action is not supported.

Someone would need to write new code to support it.

Looks like someone attempted to add it in the past but never followed it to completion. Add hvac_action method to vera climate by awooganl · Pull Request #47117 · home-assistant/core · GitHub