I’m new to HA and slowly migrating devices around the house into HA and have a lot of Insteon equipment. I was very happy to be able to get the HomeSeer Custom Integration for Home Assistant working for the most part. One issue I have is with 2 Insteon Hidden Door Sensors where I am missing the Root/Parent reference device (REF# 904 in the image below). The Integration was able to pull in all the other child devices though which is odd but as you can see, the one I really need is the open/close status.
Can anyone help with some tips to debug this? Is there a file to inspect and add a missing REF entry to that could add this device, or a way to view the polling of the HomeSeer environment?
Hi Again i feel like w just talked on Homeseers board the other day!
Nope this is why i am in limbo between HA and HS. Mark’s HomeSeer app is great but HS3 had this limitation and its something he is looking to fix because of it being required in HS4. I am just waiting for the New Insteon front end it just need approval in the repo. Now this HomeSeer custom addon is great for any devices that don’t have multiple entities. My issues using this was with the KPL and this same root device issue. HS Custom addon fro HA would have been my go to. You can go post on the issue log for it i did and the code owner was going to look about adding code to handle this but i decided i didn’t want to wast his time doing that if the Insteon HA frontend was so close.
Yeah I am eager to see what the new Insteon integration will look like and offer in HA but I am still on the fence about doing a hard/complete cut-over from HS to HA, mostly because I have a lot of automation programed in HS events and really like the flexibility that tool provides. It would take a fair amount of work to unwind all of that for my Insteon devices and find an alternative event/automation engine. I have heard good things about NodeRed and do need to spend some time there to see if that could cover my needs and how easy it is to design. The hard cut-over seems to be a requirement using the Insteon HA integration based on the single instance/access to the Insteon PLM/Hub, meaning I was not able and I believe Mark confirmed that you cannot have 2 applications managing devices through a single PLM/Hub.
As a result, I did go and enter an Issue for the HomeSeer custom Integration in hopes that the developer could explore some options there. Still no update though