Missing IotaWatt accumulated sensors with Home Assistant 2023.2


Has anyone found that they lost IotaWatt accumulated sensor entities since upgrading to 2023.2? Anyone know if that issue is tracked anywhere?

I had to fall back to 2023.1 because of this, but I think because of the database upgrade that happened when 2023.2 started, history now seems to be behaving erratically. Charts take forever to load, or time out completely.


Please read the release notes before updating. Particularly the breaking changes. There is one there for IotaWatt that describes your issue.


Thanks - sorry for that.

But this change makes no sense. I’m already using integrators in IotaWatt, but I still need accumulating sensors for the outputs from those

Did you by any chance come up with a solution for this? Other than reverting to 2023.1? I recently installed an iotawatt and it isn’t a big deal if I loose the 1 week of data that I have in HA. I was using the accumulated sensor values to visualize certain data in home assistant and would like to come up with a sensible long term alternative now that the accumulated sensors are gone.

I already used integrators in IotaWatt, so I have switched to using the sensor.<output_name>_wh sensors for the energy dashboard.

My issue that I had with those in the past is that they are state_class: total and reset daily to 0, and I have had erratic behaviour when they reset, sometimes showing negative values in the charts for sensors that never actually go negative. That’s why I was using the state_class: total_increasing sensors before, because its impossible for them to go down and have these issues.

I plan to report the bug with the sensor value erratic behaviour next time it happens. And failing that I may just fork the IotaWatt integration and re-add the total accumulating versions that were removed.

I would love to see in HA some sensors similar to template sensors but allowing you to work with sensor values that reset or are total increasing, that let you enter time deltas to get values over a certain period. For example a sensor that gives me power used in the last 7d, which dynamically computes the difference in the value 7 days ago and the value today, accounting for any resets (for sensors that can reset).
And not only absolute time deltas but things like ‘since start of the day’, or ‘since start of the month’.

Things like that would be really powerful working with this kind of data. I wonder if there’s a custom integration that can do stuff like that. It sounds like that would be perfect for your visualisations.

Being able to do this for sensor values that reset every day would be a really nice feature. At the moment I am using grafana to visualize energy use on different time scales. ATM if the period of interest is 1 day then the iotawatt data seems to work well (would be good to shift on x to better align T and energy use) -

And I used to be able to do the same thing on an hourly scale by using the hourly difference between accumulated values -

Though now without accumulated values the first value of the day is wildly negative due to the sensor reset. I need to find a way to either re-create the accumulated values or do some math (or conditional statement) at the start of each day. I’m relatively new to all of this, so perhaps there is an easy way to do this but at the moment I am not sure on the best approach.

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How many integrators does it allow you to add? Is there another possibility in HA to have accumulated?
I am looking to have the daily consumption in KW stored in order to obtain statistics between two dates…