Missing KNX Auto operating mode

I have a Jung KNX system, where I can set the operating mode via one normal object and one forced object. I use the forced object to override all commands to the normal object or by any manual change in order to force the climate system into Frost Protection mode during holidays. To disable the override I set the forced object to “Auto”.

This is how I used to set it in automations:
- service: climate.set_operation_mode
entity_id: climate.forced
operation_mode: “Auto”

However during one of the later the updates all previous operating modes where renamed (heat, eco, idle, manual), but it seems the “Auto” operating mode got removed.
Looking at \components\climate\climate.py I only find these modes defined

# Map DPT 201.100 HVAC operating modes
“Frost Protection”: STATE_MANUAL,
“Night”: STATE_IDLE,
“Standby”: STATE_ECO,
“Comfort”: STATE_HEAT,
# Map DPT 201.104 HVAC control modes
“Fan only”: STATE_FAN_ONLY,
“Dehumidification”: STATE_DRY

So it seems the Auto mode is no longer defined for KNX climate. As the auto mode is defined in const.py (STATE_AUTO = ‘auto’) I would believe it could still be used for KNX. Does anyone know if there is another way to set i to “Auto” mode, or if it is possible to get the “Auto” mode back?