Missing Leviton Decora Dimmers in HA

I have 4 Leviton D26HD Dimmers installed in my home. All work locally as well as from the My Leviton app. However, only 1 of the 4 dimmers appears in Home Assistant, it as expected.

To troubleshoot, I have confirmed that all dimmers are on the same WLAN as my HA server. I have also tried deleting the HomeKit integration; the same dimmer is auto-discovered each time.

This is the relevant section of configuration.yaml:

  - platform: decora_wifi
    username: !secret my_leviton_uid
    password: !secret my_leviton_password

I am running HA 2022.4.6.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a defect? Is there a way I can add the other dimmers manually?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Did you ever figure this out? I am also having issues adding these switches to HA.

Adding them to Homekit was easy.

I tried a number of different things. It has been a while so I am not sure what the final fix was, but I think it was resetting the switch by pulling the bottom of the dimmer away from the switch. Hope this helps.

Ok so adding it to Homekit and then removing it from Homekit causes it to be added to your wifi and then show up in Home Assistant.