Recently I returned home from Ikea Eindhoven with 19 GU10 LED spots, a dirigera hub, and the solid advice that this would give me the world of Smart Lighting:
All spots individually manageable/switchable.
‘No’, the Ikea person said ‘No further items needed’. Sure? No drivers? Nope!
(as I had installed their kitchen smart LED strips earlier this year, not hindered by too much knowledge or insight, I believed this person).
As it turned out, this brought me exactly nada-nothing-zero.
As I now know: further parts are ddefinitely needed in the chain, such as a driver plus the special connectors.
Why not simply buy those and get on with it?
Well, there’s the missing link in Ikea’s design: there is no part that enables you to connect your regular GU10 sockets to their connectors. Oops, or Øps.
I had innocently thought to replace my halogen lighting by their smart spots.
Transformer out, Ikea smart spots in, OK, drivers too, 230V does it.
But it doesn’t, because the connectors coming out of the drivers do not fit common GU10 sockets.
That is: I do not know of any way to work around this, or solve this.
Anybody out there who can solve this predicament? I would love it to be simple.
Make me ashamed of my ignorance, please!!!