I was wondering if someone can feedback on when the next MDI refresh will take place?
I have several icons from MDI that I want to use and although they’ve been available on MDI for a while, the last HA updates don’t seem to have imported them.
Thanks, I took a “regular” component and changed its icon in the component definition and I can indeed see the icon displaying correctly. But when I set the icon in the customize section, it doesn’t work with some icons for some reason.
For example this doesn’t work:
oh hold on, something weird (read interesting) just happened…
I changed the icon from tree to leaf and it now works. I wonder if there’s some kind of cache that is messed up.
I’ll try other icons and see if that works, But for now the leaf one works. Go figure…
Thanks, it’s something else as it was across browsers / platforms (e.g. also on iPhone)
Anyway that’s that for the thermostat.
The only one entity that would accept the custom icon is because it’s a custom script that sends values via the API, so at startup the entity doesn’t “really” exist, I’ll have to think of a way to define that sensor somewhere so it can get its customised icon until HA receives a value…
yes the way round this was to get the device sensor to be sent via MQTT with a retain flag. This way it would be available at starting and would therefore be assigned the icon from the customisation