Missing option 'algo' in lets_encrypt in Duck DNS after duckdns addon 1.14.0


I have installed the latest update to the Duck DNS addon to 1.14.0 and I got an error when trying to start the addon - Missing option ‘algo’ in lets_encrypt in Duck DNS (core_duckdns).

Do I need to add an algo parameter in Duck DNS?


Had the same and indeed solved it by adding algo:

  accept_terms: true
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
  algo: secp384r1

Same I noticed this section in the docs:

Option lets_encrypt.algo (optional)

Public key algorithm that will be used.

Supported values: rsa, prime256v1 and secp384r1.

The default is secp384r1

Thanks. That has fixed it.

Thanks for the solution.
The documentation should be updated as the algo field is still showing as optional.

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Thanks. That has fixed it.

algo: secp384r1


Had exactly the same problem after upgrade.
to add
algo: secp384r1
really solved the problem!

Thanks for sharing the solution here!

Same issue here!

Same issue here, problem is I can’t edit it in the app on mobile. Every time I try to edit it the cursor jumps or doesn’t paste what I want to paste completely or does it in a weird spot.

Hi all, could you tell me where put this exactly?

accept_terms: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
algo: secp384r1

Now I’ve only

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem



seems your HA configuration.yaml. It is not there.

This :

goes into the configuration of the duckdns add-on.

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I’ve solved with algo: secp384r1 in duckdns yaml


I get the same behaviour trying ti edit on Ipad or iPhone, had to use my mac to edit the config.

algo: secp384r1
solved the problem also for me, thanks for posting here !

Yes, confirm. Solved adding the line

algo: secp384r1

Thanks :grinning:

Super helpful. That sorted my issue as well.

Thank you!

Great, this solved it for me too, thank you!